MaxPreps errata: boys

Examining the MaxPreps data Sunday morning just after seeding was announced.  Missing games: 130.  Other errors, yes.  Between boys and girls, 245 missing games, maybe total errors 300.  That’s > 3% error rate for ~9000 games.  Are you feeling confident that the RPI calculations are correct?  Some seedings are decided by less that 0.001.  Here is the whole report.  There may be other errors and omissions not included.

On the WIAA RPI report, the out-of-state teams records are not reported.  Looking at the OSAA database, these are apparent.  It is not possible to determine what the WIAA RPI calculation is using, if anything.

During the season, I look at the MaxPreps results daily.  I noticed games were not timely reported, but figured they’d come in eventually.  The usual MaxPreps errors: games entered multiply, wrong opponents, are fairly minimal.  Missing ~3% of the games played is not.